Hello Roelof,

On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 03:07:56 +0100 GMT (05/Jan/11, 9:07 AM +0700 GMT),
Roelof Otten wrote:

M>> 1. What encryption does TB! used for OTFE? (Algorithm, key size, etc)

RO> Unknown

M>> 2. What other programs can decrypt TB!'s encrypted files?

RO> None

M>> 6. Does forgetting the password prevent any further access to the 
M>>    messages?

RO> Yes, unless you've created a backup. Even when you're using OTFE, TB's
RO> backups  are  unencrypted, though it's possible to set a password with
RO> encryption for your backups.

M>> 7. Can Voyager use OTFE?

RO> Wrong question. ;-)
RO> Voyager only uses OTFE, it can't use a plain message base.

I just cut this down to the points that concern my follow-up question:
I just found an old USB stick with Voyager. Trying to run it requires
a password, and I have tried all the combinations I could think of,
but cannot remember the old password.

I understand if I just reinstall Voyager, I still cannot read the
message base. Is there any way at all to retrieve the messages, or are
they lost forever?

BTW, does the latest Voyager allow plaintext if the user so decides?




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