On Sun, 13 Mar 2011 at 21:18:36 -0500,Achdut18 wrote:
> I can get the recipients in the CC field to show when the mail
> message is printed:
> %BCC=""-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>     From: %FromName <%FromAddr>
>       To: %ToName <%ToAddr>
>       CC: %CC
>     Date: %ODateEn %OTimeLongEn
>  Subject: %Subj
> -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> %Text
> -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> However, when I print a mail message with no CC'd individuals, the CC
> line appears and is blank.  Can I have my cake and eat it too?

Yes, put this in instead of the CC: line you currently have

%If:"%OCCList"<>"":"CC:      %OCCList

This breaks over two lines (so that if there is no CC you don't have a
blank line. It says that if the original CC list is not blank ("%OCCList"<>"")
print it followed by a new line. Otherwise print nothing.

You will probably also want to adjust the spacing a bit to match your


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