Hello Melissa,

Saturday, November 12, 2011, 6:10:38 PM, you wrote:

> Hi,

> On Wednesday, November 09, 2011, at 11:11:28 AM PST, I wrote:

>> Are there any specific issues/problems I should be aware of in
>> moving my Bat installation from this Win XP machine to my new Win 7
>> machine?

> I realize it's in bad form to reply to myself, and I apologize for
> this, but since no one else replied to this message, someone had to do
> it! ;)

> Just wanted to offer a little update...

> Though I'm still waiting for my new OS software to be delivered
> (thought it would arrive last week, but it looks like it'll be Monday
> instead), I did decide to at least give this Bat migration a good
> test. I'm happy to say that while the backup/restore process wasn't
> perfect in every way, it was mostly painless, and now I have a
> perfectly working Bat on this new machine.

> During my first attempt at fresh installation and restoration from
> backup, I ran into a problem that still seems a bit peculiar to me,
> but I got around it for the moment: it kept claiming to be unable to
> create a "Mail" folder within the main Bat program folder.  At this
> point, the installation would abort.  I finally tried one of the other
> options, and that allowed the installation to continue.  Then...

On  answers.microsoft.com forum someone asked a question about "Access
denied  on  editing  file  under c:\program files\" and the answer was
that in Windows 7 applications are not supposed to store user-writable
files in the Program Files folder.  That's what the ProgramData folder
is for."

Someone  else  chimed in that instead of installing the program to the
Program Files folder to install it to another folder then the built-in
restrictions on writing to the Program Files folder would not apply.

Best regards,
 Brian                            mailto:bwmarco...@runbox.com

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