Hi Batters -

I  recently  migrated from Win7 to Linux. I fully expected
to  have  to  give  up  TheBat!  after  all these years of
dependency, but I was thrilled to find it loaded perfectly
in Wine (v1.3.30, if anyone is interested). I loaded up my
isp  account  and  my  several gmail accounts, and held my
breath  and pushed the fetch button. They all responded as
expected.  I  tested  send,  and  had  transport  in  both
directions. Home free, right?

Then I tried to load my personal account from my personal
mail server, which runs Dovecot. I loaded it up, and when
I told it to fetch, nothing happened. I loaded it to POP,
like the others. On doing some testing, I found to my fury
that Thundebird fetched it fine.

I. Can't. Live. With. Thunderbird. Especially not when all
the rest of the accounts work fine in TB!.

There are 1,900+ messages parked on that server, and
apparently TB! can see them, because it counts them off as
it goes, but it doesn't bring them to the inbox.

The  error messages show in the bottom log bar, but not in
the account log.

The  messages  are:  FETCH - could not store message (file
name-c:\users\lynn\temp\bat*.tmp) String looks like hex, 4

And,  when  it  is  finished  not fetching the messages it
counts off:

FETCH - Failed to store all received the messages into the message base. 
Downloaded 1956 messages, stored 0 message(s).

I'm  stumped.  My  Linux  mentors are stumped. I know that
RitLabs does't support Linux or Wine, but this seems to be
a TB! error. And I know that there are a few rogue batters
who are successfully running TB! in Wine.

And I'm praying to the cyber gods that there is at least
ONE person here, or perhaps someone who can point me to
someone, or a place, where I can find out how to fix this.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light - .

Oh  ... I'd like to know whether TB! is a 32 bit or 64 bit
app - I looked on the site, but couldn't find it. tia.

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

theli...@comcast.net         * * *    Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed    * * *       OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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