Hello Avram,

Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 3:43:16 AM, you wrote:

AS>> However, within the past 5-6 months, I have observed that a small
AS>> number of messages for those accounts do not get filtered with
AS>> each mail download and remain in an account's inbox until I use
AS>> the re-filter tool to properly distribute those messages. In each
AS>> case, the non-filtered messages belong in the last active folder
AS>> (or folders) in the list of that account's folders.

TF> While I have not experienced this myself, I have heard about it. For
TF> some of the 4.x versions. In fact, this appears to be solved in later
TF> versions, I have not heard anybody complain about this when using a
TF> 5.x version.

TF> Would you consider trialing it?

Yes.  What is involved?

Make a backup of your mails by using Tools / Backup.

Download the current TB! version from the Ritlabs website and install it. It 
will be a 30-day trial version.

If you like it, you can pay for the upgrade. If not, you make another backup 
(to include the mails have have been downloaded during your trial) and then 
re-install the 4.x version for which you already have the key. Note that v5 has 
some changes in the way the date and time of the messages is kept, so you will 
likely encounter an off-set in accordance with your time zone.


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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