
I realize it's generally bad form to reply to myself, but here's an
update: Problem solved (it was my fault - overlooked an option)...

On Saturday, October 06, 2012, at 12:09:02 PM PST, I wrote:

> I do a bit of manual folder management while reading email, which
> often includes deleting selected messages from folders. With my
> previous v4.x, the "bytes saved" confirmation message only appeared
> when manually "compacting" a folder. Now it appears every time I
> delete any messages from any folder! This necessitates an additional
> mouse click or "enter" key operation to close this new and generally
> useless notification. I'm glad that storage space is "released", but
> I don't need to be told just how much is released every time I
> delete a message!

> I've looked all over the "preferences", and can't seem to find a way
> to disable this annoying "feature".

The solution to my problem was this:

In Account Properties | Mail management | Deletion, there's this

"Compact emptied folders automatically"

With this option, selected on this level (account level, as opposed to
individual folder level), every time I would right-click on a folder
and select "empty", it would also compact the folder, giving me the
"bytes saved" message.

I've reset my account options to what I prefer -- to just compact
everything upon program exit. All is well again, and I've now restored
v5.2.2 on my main computer.

Sometimes, it just takes a while to figure out precisely what type of
idiot I've been in a given situation.  I usually figure it out.
Eventually. :)


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