-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 12:51:21 -0800
> Von: Melissa Reese <willkayakforf...@gmx.com>
> An: Melissa Reese <tbudl@thebat.dutaint.com>
> Betreff: Re: v5.2.2 annoyance: "x bytes of storage space released"    
> confirmation. Can\'t seem to disable this notification.

> Hi,
> I realize it's generally bad form to reply to myself, but here's an
> update: Problem solved (it was my fault - overlooked an option)...

> The solution to my problem was this:
> In Account Properties | Mail management | Deletion, there's this
> option:
> "Compact emptied folders automatically"
> With this option, selected on this level (account level, as opposed to
> individual folder level), every time I would right-click on a folder
> and select "empty", it would also compact the folder, giving me the
> "bytes saved" message.
> I've reset my account options to what I prefer -- to just compact
> everything upon program exit. All is well again, and I've now restored
> v5.2.2 on my main computer.

Good to know, for there was the solution, that means that those newer versions 
are still worth of attention. <a little bit rotten smile> It seems I am 
changing my mind gradually and am becoming interesting in newer versions of 
TB!. I am particularly interested in Portable one, and then particularly for 
its Unicode (UTF-8) support, which I find excellent, so far (since I am still 
deeper and deeper in Japanese, Chinese, Sanskrit... and related translations 
and their comparative analysis).

> Sometimes, it just takes a while to figure out precisely what type of
> idiot I've been in a given situation.  I usually figure it out.
> Eventually. :)

We all make mistakes, for various reasons. I think, and feel, we should accept 
our weaknesses, better ourselves (or at least trying sincerely this) and 
continue "walking" further, into the Better Future. <green>

We, humans, have plenty "hidden" features and options, we are not aware of, 
particularly in some "special/peculiar" situations.

Mica Mijatovic
GPG/PGP keys and the rest...
sent from www.gmx.net

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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