Hello Tony,

On Saturday, March 16, 2013 you wrote:

TH> Hello MAU,

>> The drop-down list (menu, as you call it) that appears when you start 
>> typing is a list that is built on the fly with addresses from Address 
>> Book, or To history or both, that match the characters that you have 
>> typed so far. You can see that it is built on the fly if, once it 
>> appears, you type one or more characters. So, as the shown list as such
>> does not exist in any file (like the To history does) you cannot delete
>> from it. If you want to delete one or more addresses, you will have to
>> do so from the AB or the To history.

TH> Thanks for looking at this. One final piece of the puzzle is have you
TH> figured out which entry of the auto-complete list is selected and
TH> copied to the To: address?

TH> For me it is always the same one but not the first one in the list,
TH> not by name, not by address. No pattern I can see.

TH> Try  backspacing  over your typing and type the same again - I get a 
TH> different item selected each time and sometimes no item.

Hmmm, interesting.  TB! seems to be fetching addresses from the AB based on 
characters have been types so far.  I see that if I type the letters "li", TB!
brings up *any* AB address which contains the letter combination "li" anywhere
in the address.  If I continue typing letters as in "lis" then only those
addresses which contain those three letters, in that order, anywhere in the
address will continue to appear.  Names with *only* the "li" combination have
dropped from the list.

As I said, interesting but of little help to you.  Based on what I have seen now
I doubt you will be able to delete any of the addresses appearing without
deleting them from the AB as was stated in an earlier reply.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver: 5.2.
Running Windows XP Pro ver 5 build 2600 Service Pack 3

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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