> They may have specified port 587 for SSL, but for TLS the port should 
> be 465 as The Bat! automatically selects. This works fine with German 
> 1und1, and it has done so for years, so I suggest you try that port 
> too.

Port 587 is submission, and it uses either no encryption, or STARTTLS (SSL/TLS 
might work, but usually doesn't). Port 465 is smtps, and it always uses SSL or 

Note that some Microsoft's programs incorrectly call STARTTLS just TLS.

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://eternallybored.org/ >

Thanks Peter, thanks Jernej,

Unfortunately the plot thickens - none of the combinations of port settings, 
TLS/STARTTLS/REGULAR dropdowns with or without 'Must use Secure Communications' 
set behind this works with this provider in The Bat! For me.

I tried in Outlook and it works using the settings attached (also uploaded to 
http://www.tonybro.com/Outlook.JPG as attachment was stripped last time).

I am at a loss on this one.

The closest I get is an error from The Bat! Saying 'Message not sent. Server 
reply - must be authenticated'


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