Hi Martin,

On Sunday, April 09, 2017 at 11:23:40 AM you wrote:

M> I am using GnuPG sometimes - so I am not a power user. Perhaps I can
M> try to answer your questions... ;-)

M> On Saturday, April 8, 2017 2:57:10 PM you wrote:MM>> 1. Using GnuPG seems to 
take up lots of space. 

M> The GPG key doesn't go into the signature - its a own element in the
M> text or inline

MM>> 2. How will correspondents using smart phones manage this 
>> considering the screen size?

M> I don't understand your question. The key is mostly not displayed with
M> the client so there is no "screen size" problem.

Yes, this answers what I was _trying_ to ask. 

MM>> 4. When replying without trimming in an email thread, this could
>> potentially take to not only scroll through, but to even find the
>> actual email amidst all the other security characters?

M> Email clients which are supporting GnuPG don't include key in the
M> reply.

Thank you!

>> 5. Are these questions also relevant to PGP or only GnuPG?

M> I am using GnuPG - don't know PGP at all.

Okay, Thanks Martin, now I know a little more. 


Best Regards,
Maggie                          http://www.OurCabinOnTheCreek.com 

“There is no harm in being sometimes wrong - especially if one
is promptly found out.” Keynes

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