06 December 2017

I have a new Smartphone (Moto G4) and not being used to modern phones
it's taking me a while coming to terms with its abundant features!

I want TB! to forward mails that have been already filtered to my
personal mail folder (My Mail) on my home desktop PC to GMAIL so I can
reasd them on my phone. But when I add a rule to forward that mail to
my GMAIL address i get ALL mail coming to my chriswilson.tv account
forwarded to GMAIL. I tried moving the filter to the bottom of the
list but no change in that behaviour occurred.

The rules that work for TB! are

sender contains chriswilson.tv
recipient contains chriswilson.tv


Move messages to My Mail folder

All other messages generally and reliably get filtered to relevant
folders, they being mainly mailing list messages.

Can I force TB! to only forward mails that end up in My Mail folder on
to my GMAIL account?

Thanks I am running an older version of TB! as generally speaking I am
comfortable  with  it  by  now  ;)  I think the correct description for
people like myself is a Luddite!


          Best Regards, Chris Wilson


"Using The Bat! v5.8.10 on Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1"

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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