Hello Chris,

>> If  you want to, you can send me by PM your complete set of filters as
>> text(*) and I will take a look at them.
> Have done so, many thanks!

OK,  I  did  receive  your  PM with your filters. OMG! How many do you
have? With so many, I think you may be prone to 'loosing control'.

I have just taken a quick look at them (will do so in more detail over
the weekend) and so far I have seen two things:

-  You  have  other (several) filters that do forward messages to your
gmail account.

-  I  have  seen  that  most  (if  not  all) have the Option "Continue
processing  with  other  filters" set/ticked. Why this? Any reason why
you  want  a  message  be  'tested'  by all your filters? If a message
matches  the condition of the first (or Nth) filter, I see no sense in
checking possible matches with the rest of them.

Unless  you  have  a good reason to have this option set, untick it in
all filters and try and see if there is a difference.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (Els Poblets (Alicante) - Spain)
Using The Bat! v8.0.14
My photos at: http://mau.smugmug.com
My photoblog: http://mau.aminus3.com

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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