On 10 May 2020 at 03:06 Andrew Savchenko wrote and made these points

AS> It is 2020 out there and TB mailing lists seem to be a little outdated.

AS> Screenshots being stripped from the messages unless it all fits in 25Kb,

In the case of TBUDL, this seems to be happening regardless of size. I
have  looked  but  the  settings don't specify to do that. The hosting
server  has  shifted twice since we started to use the current rack. I
am not necessarily confident that the settings have ported correctly.

AS> famous "Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information" footer
AS> attached to all messages... Perhaps it is time for a maintenance?

This  footer  used to be maintained by admins every time a new release
came  from RITlabs, often with a slight lag. Max asked to control this
automatically  and  this was being done for a while. Then they stopped
updating  it.  I guess it's down to me again. (I am the sole admin and
mod these days, everyone else having resigned from the list). Max took
it over because I was updating it when the MSI was released to TBBETA,
not  in  new the loop otherwise as to when a particular version became
the current release.

AS> Things that come to mind, in no particular order:

AS> * Increase size limits for attachments.

TBBETA has a 75kb limit and TBUDL 25kb.

I suggest 150 for TBBETA and 100 for TBUDL. Thoughts?

AS> * Remove or, at very least, update "current version" footer.

I  will  take  back  control  (where  have  I  heard  that before?) of
maintenance for this number.

AS> * Consider merging TDUDL/TBBETA into one.

That's  a  very large "NO". There are 2 distinct audiences - those who
test  new  features  and  those who want help with the current release
version as end users.

AS> * Move mailing lists homepage to a separate domain.

I don't know what this means...

AS> * Modernise lists website, enable HTTPs.

I  enabled  HTTPS  back in January. If anybody else wants to take this
over from me, go ahead - I will redirect.

AS> * Ensure lists historical data is available and easily exportable.

... we have done this multiple times in the 20+ years that we have run
these  lists.  The last massive move was to GMANE. They collapsed. Any
suggestions  as  to  where  we  should try next (and have our archives
dumped into the void when they go down too)?

AS> * Collate available TheBat! documentation / FAQs / Tips.
AS> * etc.

That's  something  I did very enthusiastically back at the start. They
have  not  been  maintained  and  over  the years have become somewhat

AS> Thoughts?

... given.

Cheers -- Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v9.1.18.3 (BETA) on Windows 10.0.18362 

Attachment: pgphG34G9Ozcu.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Current version is 8.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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