Hi Marc,

On 01 August 2000 at 11:18:53 GMT -0400 (which was 16:18 where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points on the subject
of "Some questions":

Sorry but this list is strictly *NO* HTML mail. Please ensure that you
only post in plain text when writing to TBUDL.

MS>  >Yes, but I will have to do that 500 times, for 500 folders... !

MS>  >There  isn't  a way of changing a byte somewhere for the default would
MS>  >be an UNchecked box ?!

MS> It would be nice if the account info was held in some type of
MS> editable file like an INI or DB that Excel could open and save.
MS> That way you could globally search and replace the line from Y to
MS> N...

IMHO   INI   file  configuration  is  a  far  better  way  of  holding
configuration  data than the registry and this reason is just one good
example of why.

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA
www: http://www.silverstones.com
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| under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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