On Wed, 9 Aug 2000 15:54:15 -0500, Joe Finocchiaro wrote:
C>> a) Hit <CTRL><F4)
C>> b) Hold down the <SHIFT> key while hitting the reply toolbar button.
C>> c) Go to the Message -> Specials -> Reply quoting selected text

JF> Curtis, when I do as you described above, after selecting the text and
JF> upon hitting <CTRL><F4>, I get the desired results. Thanks for the
JF> tip!

Oh cripes. NOOOOO!!! <CTRL><F4> replies to the sender. I meant F4. Are
you sure that <CTRL><F4> replies quoting only selected text? It
shouldn't. It should reply to the *sender*, with everything quoted.

The options I stated are correct, BTW. :-)

JF> [Thanks for the tip! By the way, is that "feature" documented
JF> anywhere?]

I don't know. I know about it because I was around when it was
implemented and was very much involved in the heated Steve Lamb vs 'the
rest of the world' tussle concerning it's implementation. <g>

JF> I don't have to go to Message -> Specials -> Reply quoting selected
JF> text.

Oh, what a hassle. But different strokes, so it has to be added to a
menu somewhere. :-)

JF> Moreover, when I do go to Message ->, there is no Specials -> Reply
JF> quoting selected text to select from.

That's when you right click the message. Yes, this is an inconsistency.
Also in the view folder window, the specials menu is a menu on it's own.
Another inconsistency. The Message menu in the main window should be the
same as the message menu in the view folder window.

C>> Version 2 almost certainly will support the use of an external editor.
C>> Marck, can you back me up on that one?

JF> Curtis, do you mean it will have an external editor as a plug-in?


JF> If so, could you describe a little about how it might work with TB?

PMMail is the only client that I've used which offers an external editor
for use. Firstly, you define your editor in a config panel as you define
your PGP version. To compose a message I hit create or reply to new
message. The editor window appears displaying everything else except the
editors message body sub-window. I fill in the addressing etc and then
hit the use external editor button. My editor fires up showing quoted
text or a blank page. I compose the note and close the editor selecting
to save the message and then I hit send. The part I dislike is having to
close the editor each time, for each message.

-=A.C. Martin=-    [TB! v1.46 Beta/3 «» Win2k Pro SP1]
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
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