On August 10, 2000, at 11:18:35 AM, Steve Lamb Wrote:

>> http://www.jgsoft.com/editpadlite.html

SL>     Yikes.  How can anyone get any work done in that thing?  Suffers from
SL> about as much EMACSitus as TB! does.

The choice of Editors is all "need" dependant, and EditPad Lite meets my
meager needs perfectly when I want to quickly open or create a small
text file. :o)

I used to have UltraEdit and Dana, but they both were overkill for me,
and when I tried PMMail 2K Pro, I used both as external editors but
found the whole process to be annoying and time consuming. Again, it's
all about "needs" and not only did I find UltraEdit and Dana an
overkill, PM's lack of threading resulted in it's immediate
de-installation.  :o)

TB!'s Editor, although quirky, is one of the most powerful Editors I've
used, and for my needs, is more than sufficient. Perhaps there are more
Editors out there that I can try, and become familiar with, because I
think some day Mail Clients will not have built-in Editors as Kenneth
Porter predicts:

> editor-using clients (like mail composition programs) need not include
> an editor but can tie to the user's personal favorite.

In that case, I'd like to already be familiar with an Editor. Any
suggestions for one with Win 98?

Nick Andriash  [ TB! v1.46 Beta 3 | PGP 6.5.3 | Win 98 4.10 ]
Vancouver, B.C.  Canada   |   PGP Key ID:  0x7BA3FDCE

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