Hello Christine,

Friday, August 11, 2000, 6:46:35 PM, you wrote:

CB> "Exception EInvalidOperation in module THEBAT.EXE at 0005AD5B. Control
CB> 'eMsg' has no parent window."

CB> After I click "OK" in the message box, the program closes out. When I
CB> re-open it, I find that the e-mail has been sent. Everything seems
CB> normal, no problems all. But, as soon as I write and send an e-mail
CB> that message pops up again.

Is  that  immediate  send  or  delayed  send? Was TB! minimized to the
system  tray  while  writing  the  e-mail. This may fool Delphi 2 into
thinking  the  parent  window (although that is a more MDI issue) does
not  exist. I think this is one for Stefan. In the short term it might
be  worth using the beta version. Some people won't agree with me but
I  often  find that the betas are more stable than the release. I know
that  sounds wrong but I've beta tested enough software to know if the
stability has increased.

>From Jamie Dainton

Friday, August 11, 2000 8:50:17 PM
Using The Bat! 1.45 Beta/11
Windows 98 4.10 2222

The Bat

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