Hi Nick,

On Sunday, September 17, 2000, 7:16 PM, you wrote in part about "Steve
Lamb has left the building":

N> While I know Steve can be his own worse enemy, I too will miss his
N> presence on this list.  I owe my entire filtering scheme to his help,
N> and learned many things from him about email proggies and software in
N> general.

I am sure he has had a contribution to the list, or to certain
individuals, but overall this was a long time coming.  I am not going
to belittle him, nor bring up individual kindnesses that were done,
but certainly with the abuse towards certain people, causing Alex to
leave the list, for example (among others), for which I missed a lot
in my early days having to do with regular expressions, which Alex is
notoriously good at. This propensity to antagonize people, and not
having or giving mutual respect during the discourse of a thread wears
on many people. Many people with culturally different backgrounds take
offense to abrasiveness, and wind up reacting, which feeds further
attacks. We all have seen this happen many times to the detriment to
the list overall, and frankly, there have been many times, when I
don't have the time to read that junk, nor do I want to.  Each of us
knows that within one or two replies in a thread from this individual
meant that something was starting, and it usually went downhill with
both parties.

N> While I am not a very vocal list member, I have been a subscriber
N> for quite awhile so I've seen the list change with time.  I
N> personally enjoyed it more during the times Steve was active.

The list is a living thing.  It will always change, as the composition
of the group changes, for the good or the bad for all.  No one person
is indispensable in any situation.
                         Just my 2c probably on a dead issue.

Best regards,

Today's thought: Never argue with a man carrying a water buffalo.                      

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