On Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 12:26:27 PM, Nick wrote:

> In Reference to "Keyboard shortcuts (was: Odd behavioural complaints? [was: Re: 
>Deleting messages and spacebarring through 'em])" From Ming-Li: "

M>> Their requests are nonetheless legitimate, IMHO, and there's no
M>> need to treat them as threats to the integrity of TB (or the
M>> Internet, or computer, whatever).

> Ah, but if TB! was to incorporate every wishlist I've seen in this
> list over the past couple of years we'd be using an Outlook clone
> and would need a CD to load the program from by now. So perhaps
> "threat" is a bit of a strong word, but the results could be the
> same.

No, I don't think RIT could or should implement every featured
requested. But that's not my point. My point is, every so often I
see vocal veterans (who are generally very nice and helpful to
newcommers) turn offensive upon seeing certain questions/feature

Q: why can't TB resort my folders automatically? why can't I
redefine shortcuts? why can't I re-arrange my toolbar buttons?
A: blah, blah, blah... (detailed answers and courteous through out)

Q: why can't I use proportional fonts? why can't I send html mail?
A: what a stupid request, you're unfit to be a parent (uh, to use
email, I mean), go back to LookOut... blah, blah, blah.

Get the picture?

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.47 Beta/5 | Win2k SP1

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