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Hi Marck,

On Friday, September 22, 2000, 2:15 PM, you wrote in part about

M> And  it's  the  only reason it is mentioned (other than the
M> occasional Linux guru who hankers to have TB ported to Linux).

Now you're talkin!  I would be in heaven.

M> It's probably the rise of the popularity of the Internet that has
M> made computer  people  look afresh at Unix as an OS and why Linux
M> has begun to form a /serious/ threat to the future of Windows for
M> the first time since Microsoft closed it's fingers around the
M> throat of the industry.

It is now fact that 60% of all web servers are now *ix and Linux has
just (2 quarters ago) surpassed Netware for NFS. <g>

M> Unix format is a *computing* industry standard mailbox format which is
M> portable  between  nearly  all  of  the  major  email  systems and, by
M> coincidence, Unix, from which it originated.

Actually there are 4 types (if you define them by the different MTAs),
but 2 *basic types* of mailbox format - one is called MH style which
treats each individual piece of mail separately, as a separate "email"
unto itself in a directory or folder, and there is the mbox format
which appends each mail to the last, so there is a spool of mail in a
"mailbox" directory or folder.  I use both formats.

- -- 
Best regards,

Today's thought: Chaos, panic, pandemonium - my work here is done.                     

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