Hello Jan,

Monday, September 25, 2000, 5:09:53 PM, you wrote:
JR>      Another  thing  to  consider  is that a manual can be divided
JR>      into  sections  --  a  casual  user  section,  followed by an
JR>      advanced  user  section.  Maybe  the  casual  reader wouldn't
JR>      bother reading the advanced section but it would be there for
JR>      *anyone* who is interested.

After  a  number of times having to troubleshoot problems created
by users who 'read it in the manual' I say limit the information.
Putting  it in another section doesn't help.  They still click on
the  darn  thing,  say  "aha, thats what I need to do" and end up
deleting  that  vital,  has  to be done by 4, fiscal presentation
they worked on for 2 weeks, on their own system, and never backed
up to the network.

Call  me pessimistic, but a living breathing mailing list seems a
better   choice.    Now,   if  the  Bat  was  to  no  longer  be
developed/supported THEN I would scream bloody murder for wanting
complete documentation before it fades away. :-)

Using The Bat! 1.46c
        under Windows NT
4.0 Build 1381
Service Pack 6, RC 1.5

 Gary                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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