At 8:28:06 AM on Thursday, October 05, 2000, your quill inscribed unto the ether:

> In Reference to "Epilepsy and computer programs" From Wolfgang Kynast: "

W>> However, when I fired up The Bat, the electrical activity
W>> increased remarkably (but still below the "noticeable" level,
W>> just enough to make me feel uncomfortable).  The same was true of
W>> Word 2000, and Lotus 123.

> Wow, if it was from any other source I'd say this had urban legend
> written all over it.

> File this under strange happenings.

Actually, what peeks my curiousity is what is it about the TB! interface
that sparks this reaction that neither Calypso nor Becky have.  Guess
I'll have to download those two and look at 'em. :-)

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