Hello Thomas & other fellow TB! Users following this thread,

Monday, December 18, 2000, you stated regarding the virus sent to

TF> Right, that's why you need to virus-scan your computer now right away.

That was done of course, using the last full download of DrWeb. No
dissemination was found, so I may NOT have set it off (all I wanted
to do was see the full name in the attachment pane. A better way is
to right click and choose save - then escape instead of saving. It
can be deleted by right clicking also). I then emailed the sender to
inquire and we all know the rest. I just pressed a bit hard on the
name - which does let you see it all when in Explorer.

Dr Web took quite a while to scan ALL (not just executable -
although since I hadn't activated the key first, it wouldn't check
compressed) files in the 10 partitions (C-L - not including the HPFS
partition, which Win95 can't see) locating on the 3 hard disks being
used on this early 1994 IBM Value Point and found a few files it
considered viruses that the older McAfee hadn't, but nothing more
than whatever copies of the file in question were in TB! attach
directories (I think I changed subscribing addresses some time back
and filter one to the other's folder - so I use alt+f+k now and

There were a couple of Panther virus .doc files that McAfee had
missed - but I use Widen + Word 6 to open those (this converts the
file to Word 6)- which may not be susceptible (remember that it's a
win 3.1 application).

Speaking of Widen, however - DrWeb finds Widen.dot to be a WM.Irish
Virus (Widen is available on the MS download site - it's better than
using the also free Word97 Reader - definitely immune to these Word
macro viruses, since it let's me edit the file and/or save it in
Word 6 format, so I can import it into my older version of AmiPro).
When I tell DrWeb to cure (& either delete or rename incurable)
files they then turn up as "read error" (not virus) files, but not
with Widen.dot - Dr.Web continues to consider it a WM.Irish virus.
So I'll have to check that one out also. I tend to believe it's an
error of DrWeb however, since it's not deleting it if incurable.

TF> Do not lose a minute: with every keystroke you are spreading it from
TF> one file to the next (each file openend; DLL's and so forth
TF> <shudder>).

That's what I wanted to determine. It doesn't appear that is
happening, so far.

TF> If you do not have an anti-virus program on your machine, go to
TF> www.antivirus.com and look for "Home Call". This one will scan your
TF> computer for free, remotely.

TF> Somewhere on that site (which belongs to Trend Micro, the makers of my
TF> beloved PC-Cillin) you also find virus definitions, where you can look
TF> for this particular virus and what it does exactly.

I'll do that. I appreciate the tip.

Thanks to Stuart Tares also.

ST> For more information on this specific virus, please see


ST> and


ST> for > information on PIF viruses in general.


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