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        On 01 January, 2001, 8:16 PM, I saw Jan's comments made on
 Mon, 1 Jan 2001 19:41:48 -0500, and thought I'd add my $0.02 worth:

JR>   Now here's my ABxxxPPP problem: I replied to a portion of a msg
JR>   from Allie on the list. Using F4, The reply msg began with "Hi
JR>   A.". The problem is that my greeting template looks like this:


JR>   which should yield "Allie" because in my address book I have A
JR>   Curtis Martin entered as follows:

Remember that when you reply to one of my messages to the list, you're
replying to the list and not me. It would appear that you don't have
TBUDL's address in your address book, so it finally defaulted to
%OFROMFNAME which is 'A.'.

Generate a reply message to the original sender, me, by hitting
CTRL+F4 and it should now say "Hi Allie,".

[..rest snipped..]

- --
 |     A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA]      |
 | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
@_@   (Opinions given are mine and not those of RITLABS)   @_@
TB! v1.49 Beta/1 | Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for sender and message authentication.


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