Hello Andrey & others on TBUDL following this thread,

Monday, January 08, 2001,  you stated regarding why I ran out of
disk space:

DH>> I started to compress and rapidly cleared 20 additional mb, at which
DH>> point I ran out of space in C:\. I closed other programs and will
DH>> begin again. It's going to take quite a while, but the regained
DH>> space will keep me going for a while, and till the new hard drive
DH>> arrives.

AGSAA> Maybe it's time to empty your %Temp% directory. Assuming you have
AGSAA> something like "Set Temp=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP" in your autoexec.bat you'll
AGSAA> have to close all open applications including ones showing only in the
AGSAA> systray, open %Temp% in your favourite file manager (don't forget to
AGSAA> switch on hidden and system file views) and delete everything that looks
AGSAA> like temporary not yours :-).

Thanks for the tip. Additionally, I had stored things in C:\ from
other partitions that were fuller like I:\, where TN! is. So I
already have triple what I did a bit ago. (The virtual memory is set
for E:\, which I have to leave w/ more free space.

Of the things that are taking up the most space in C:\'s temporary
directories, are pft~tmp (w/ DrWeb stuff) - almost 6 mb & TheBat!
Setup w/ 2.25 mb. I also run finds on tmp files and compress
(rather, delete - really delete) them.

The v. 1.49 executable finished downloading.


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