Hello Thomas and other TBUDLs,

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:38:59 +0800, you wrote:

>On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 03:15:35 +0100GMT (15/01/2001, 10:15 +0800GMT),
>Jannik Lindquist wrote:
>JL> I realize this - I am simply taking the liberty of asking why. You are
>JL> free to answer that you don't want to tell me - but please don't
>JL> pretend that a "because!" is an answer to a "why?" 
>It is. 

It is not. "Because..." is. "Because!" means: You are not going to get
an answer, so stop being a pest.

>Other than that, I think you're killing horses here. ;-)

I am quite interested in the subject discussed in this thread and in
the "Multiple e-mail everything"-thread. I spend quite some time
thinking on Oliviers problem and trying to answer it. He promised me
an answer, but before he had a chance to give it on-list, the
"Multiple e-mail everything"-thread was killed. As luck would have it
the honourable moderator permitted another thread on a variation on
these matters on the condition that it would not develop in to a
thread about general politics of ISP's, the finer technicalities of
SMTP-servers or to technical matters in general. I took great pains in
my previous post to specify that what interested *me* in this
discussion was *how to operatete TB* - and to express myself without
getting into to techical details. If the moderator think this is
off-topic, I'll be *very* disappointed. But that you take it upon you
to act as moderator-assistant disappoints me even more. It adds to
this newcomers impression of being in a posh discussion club where the
official rules equals the whims of the chairman and the long standing

Best regards,

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