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On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 09:30:36 +0100, Jannik contributed this to our
collective wisdom:

     [..rest snipped..]
JL> If the moderator think this is off-topic, I'll be *very*
JL> disappointed.

The discussion can be declared a dead horse because it has become too
drawn out or unproductive (not getting anywhere or bickering has
started) to the point where the increased list traffic is more an
annoyance to the wider membership than the proceeds of the discussion.
This is a matter of judgement. I prefer the word 'judgement' to the
one you chose, i.e., 'whim'. :=)

JL> But that you take it upon you to act as moderator-assistant
JL> disappoints me even more.

Yes, we do discourage the moderatorial comments made by others,
*especially* those made through judgement rather than based on black
and white discussion rules.

JL> It adds to this newcomers impression of being in a posh discussion
JL> club

No. It's not posh at all. Just of very high quality. :=)

JL> where the official rules equals the whims of the chairman

The official rules do not equal the 'whims' of the moderators and you
should know this. Read the list charter rules and you'll see.

However, there's one part that reads thusly:

        4. There comes a time in every argument that it becomes a dead
           horse.  If you wish to continue to beat this horse, take it
           to private e-mail or to TBOT (see the section at the end of
           these notes regard the TBOT list).

When that time comes depends solely on the judgement and experience of
the moderators. With respect to this very thread, if you wish to
continue contributing the way that you're doing then I'll have to
indeed declare this one a dead horse. You're being combative rather
than helpful. Oliver has rejected your solution to his problem and
seems steadfast about it. This is very clear to me. Trying to convince
him otherwise is a DEAD HORSE.

JL> and the long standing members.

If you read most documents on discussion list netiquette, there'll
usually be a part that says you should read the list for some time
before you start contributing to see how things are run and get a feel
of the list because whether you like it or not, the list is a
community and each community is different though this maybe slight. We
expect a relatively high degree of discipline and cooperation from our
members here and as soon as a veteran member sees a new member
behaving outside the acceptable scope of list behaviour, they usually
stand up in defense of the atmosphere they have grown accustomed to
and love. I see no problem with this.

Of course, Jannik, you will not be happy about any of this, because
you were one of those involved in the dead horsed discussion. :=)

I'll have to declare this discussion also dead until much later when
tempers have settled. Not, this time, because of the topic.

- --
 |     A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA]      |
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