Hello Marck & others on TBUDL following this thread,

Monday, January 15, 2001,  you stated regarding my comment:

DH>> I have seen no newbies injured or even run over to date, so I think
DH>> that's a pretext (show me just one casualty).

MDP> I  don't  have  to.  It  is  only Allie, Syafril and myself that are
MDP> privvy

Ah, the TB! insider elite.

MDP> to the torments of the departing folk as they leave the list
MDP> under  the  weight  of  the  traffic or deep technical nature of the
MDP> discussion.  These  are  private comments and I am not at liberty to
MDP> share  them  publicly. Also, I am the one monitoring the comings and
MDP> goings  on the auto-subscribe accounts and see an upswing in leavers
MDP> every time we have a long, overly technical debate on TBUDL.

That does make a little more sense. IAC, TB! still has a way to go
if catering to those attracted to ease of use rather than power is
now the goal.

While I'm glad that TB! is drawing more mass market attention, I
doubt that it's going to be to everyone's liking. It couldn't be,
and still retain the depth that set it apart.

MDP> It will be a simple splitting of existing traffic between two lists.
MDP> I  would  imagine that most would belong to both lists which will be
MDP> like  -  no change. The complication is minor-to-negligible. We will
MDP> be  introducing more choice for those that don't want to bother with
MDP> the  lower  level  conversations  (like  yourself)

I wouldn't say there are low level conversations, just repetitive
ones that in many cases stem from failing to find published info,
but that doesn't make repeating these things unnecessary or wrong.

OTOH, while you make your living in the IT industry, I have other
responsibilities that require my attention and am now using vintage
equipment with limited storage capacity.

MDP> or those that are overwhelmed by the more technical side roads
MDP> the list sometimes takes a detour along.

That are a number of free email clients out there that work
reasonably well. I believe that maintaining a focus on the
thoughtful complexity and power that TB! permits and the support
that accompanies it is RITLabs strong suit. But if you see happening
that which you describe, perhaps it's time for this division to
occur and IAC we'll soon see how things go.


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