Hello Thomas,

>> I didn't mean specifically for DTP, that was just an expression to point out my
>> problem... For DTP (Desktop Publishing) processing, source text must be without
>> CR/LF codes, otherwise, DTP workers have to use adequate macros to remove it...
>> The usual condition is writing texts in MS Word or other word-processing
>> software,

T> In that case I guess you will have to create .doc files and attach
T> them to the email.

No, I won't send attached mail and write it in MS Word ;)

T> An alternative is to see whether you can make TB accept line length 999999999
T> characters or so.
T> Options / Editor Preferences / General / Wrap text at xxx characters.

Already tried... no solution, just one bbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiggggggggg
lllllllliiiiiiinnnnnnnneeee :)) ... and I hate to use horizontal scroll bar :))

Thank you, anyway... I appreciate all efforts. Greetings,

Best Regards,
Lija, YUPCExpert-Owner

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