Hello Nick,

13.02.2001 ã., you wrote:

NA> I have two questions pertaining to the TB! Address Book that
NA> I hope someone can answer for me:

NA> 1) Can someone please explain to me what the checkbox "Add
NA> items to the Instant Address Pop-Up" in the AB Group
NA> Properties actually does?

It allows you to see them in the dropdown list of New Mail button
(I guess:)

NA> 2) I have 4 separate Groups in my AB, but the Main AB
NA> (clicking on TB! Address Book when the AB is opened) has no
NA> entries because I have checked "Hide items if not
NA> specifically selected" in Group Properties. However, I would
NA> like to add a specific number of addresses to the Main AB,
NA> and the only way I seem able to do that, is to not associate
NA> an entry with any specific Group. I cannot find a way to
NA> either drag and drop them there without losing the entry in
NA> the originating Group it, nor can I find a way to copy/paste
NA> an entry from a Group to the Main Book.

If you add an address to the main AB and assign it to a group
(groups) afterwards, it appears in both main AB section and in
the group. At least it was this way when I did it.

NA> My goal is to have a select number of addresses presented
NA> when I select the arrow next to the "Create New Message"
NA> button on the main toolbar, without having to show a list of
NA> Groups... but... I would still like those addresses to
NA> originate within their assigned Groups.

I've never tried but my educated guess is that if the contact is
checked and it's in the main part of AB, it should appear in the
dropdown list.

Hope it helps.


Best regards,
 Serge Skorokhodov                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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