On Tuesday, March 27, 2001 , Ming-Li wrote the
following in regards to: [The Bat! and AVG Anti Virus]



ML> On Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 13:02:47 -0800 syv wrote:

ML>>> I sometimes see this in newsgroups, and can't help but chuckle
ML>>> (unless they have attachments). As I said, plain-text-only
ML>>> messages are virus free by nature. As to attachments, I don't
ML>>> know why one should trust the statement and not scan them
ML>>> oneself.

>> Actually, you are mistaken. Viruses can be spread
>> through RTF files. RTF files and documents are supposed
>> to be ASCII only, and there can be macro viruses.

ML> I think there's some misunderstanding here. I've said "plain-text"
ML> messages *without* attachment are virus-free by nature. RTF files
ML> are attachments, aren't they?

No, they do not have to be an attachment. It can
actually be the message itself and Outlook Express will
recognize it as RTF and format it accordingly

ML> Second, I don't think plain-text email includes everything that can
ML> be read with a text editor. If that's the case, even html mail is
ML> plain-text mail, isn't it?

Actually most of the time HTML email is plain text.
It only has ASCII characters from 32 to 126. You just
do not like the formatting.

ML> Third, many programs (in its broadest sense, including macros,
ML> scripts, etc.) are stored in a way that can be read with a plain
ML> text editor (no binary data included). E.g., .prg (for Dbase), .vbs
ML> (visual basic scripts), .bat files and many others.

ML> But I don't think you'll call them "plain-text" file, and their
ML> functionality depends on a proper "interpreter". When they're not
ML> interpreted--i.e., when they're loaded by a plain-text editor (to
ML> view their source codes)--they can do no harm, for a plain-text
ML> editor would not "execute" the embedded commands.

The problem is the OE, Outlook, Word or Excel will
execute them automatically...

ML> So I think my statement still stands, though I would be happened to
ML> be enlightened. :-)

Hope that you are now :->



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