On Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 13:02:47 -0800 syv wrote:

ML>> I sometimes see this in newsgroups, and can't help but chuckle
ML>> (unless they have attachments). As I said, plain-text-only
ML>> messages are virus free by nature. As to attachments, I don't
ML>> know why one should trust the statement and not scan them
ML>> oneself.

> Actually, you are mistaken. Viruses can be spread
> through RTF files. RTF files and documents are supposed
> to be ASCII only, and there can be macro viruses.

I think there's some misunderstanding here. I've said "plain-text"
messages *without* attachment are virus-free by nature. RTF files
are attachments, aren't they?

Second, I don't think plain-text email includes everything that can
be read with a text editor. If that's the case, even html mail is
plain-text mail, isn't it?

Third, many programs (in its broadest sense, including macros,
scripts, etc.) are stored in a way that can be read with a plain
text editor (no binary data included). E.g., .prg (for Dbase), .vbs
(visual basic scripts), .bat files and many others.

But I don't think you'll call them "plain-text" file, and their
functionality depends on a proper "interpreter". When they're not
interpreted--i.e., when they're loaded by a plain-text editor (to
view their source codes)--they can do no harm, for a plain-text
editor would not "execute" the embedded commands.

So I think my statement still stands, though I would be happened to
be enlightened. :-)

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