On April 15, 2001, at 12:34:43 PM, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

>  If I want to write to all of them I create a new msg & address  it to
>  "BouvLists" which is the name of the group. TB!, as I  understand it,
>  will send the msg to all the names in the group,  i.e. all the
>  different Bouvier lists that I belong to.

Jan, just so I understand the procedure for creating your own Mailing

1) I have 25 Members from my PGP-Basics Group who have offered to help out
the Membership as a whole by offering to exchange encrypted messages. So,
I have set up a new AB Group called "PGP-Basics Help Group".

2) Now, I have to make 25 separate entries in this Group, is that correct?

3) Once I do that, when I want to send a single message to all Members of
this small Group, all I have to do is put the Group name in the To: field,
and all will receive the letter? I don't have to have at least *one*
actual (real) address in the To: field?

Thanks for your time.


    -=N.J. Andriash | Vancouver, B.C. Canada=-     
  [ TB! v1.52 Beta 1 | Win 98 SE 4.10 2222 A ]     
       [ PGP 7.0.4 | Key ID: 0x7BA3FDCE ]      

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