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On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 02:08:51 +0800, Thomas thoughtfully wrote the

CB>>  What about adding a new Macro, ie. %WrapAll="%Quotes" ??

T> I think the %Wrapped macro should wrap all. What is the purpose of
T> wrapping only the first paragraph? I think it was an just oversight
T> when the macro was created.

This is because of the design of the editor.

The reason why you can't reformat multiple paragraphs *at the same time*
while editing a message, is the same reason why you cannot do it with the
macro. Remember that it's the same editor's functionality that's being
invoked through the macro. This editor doesn't use soft returns *at all*.
Therefore, the only way to differentiate between two paragraphs is the
separation of the paragraphs by a blank line when doing reformats. If you
select all paragraphs *together* then the all paragraphs will be wrapped
into one huge paragraph. If you take this away, then you have to take away
the editors ability to reflow quoted material the way it does.

You may ask then, what's the use of the macro? Well, it's exceedingly
useful for wrapping text output comprising a single paragraph/line of text
such as introductions, disclaimers, cookies, etc.

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