On Sat, Sep 01, 2001 at 07:17:51PM +0800, Thomas F wrote:
> The server on Marck's side (or his ISP, rather) has a problem. Each
> message sent to his address is rejected. Furthermore, instead of
> bouncing to the list admin (as would be correct), that server bounces
> to the original sender. So, if you post a message on the list, the
> list server will send to all members including Marck, Marck's ISP has
> a problem, the notification is being sent to you instead of dutaint.


> I have no way of contacting Marck on another email address or by
> phone. Syafril and Allie have received bounces themselves,

No. They're not. But, they're already receive your message to TBUDL :-)

> R> This message is looping: it already has my Delivered-To line. (#5.4.6)
> Clearly the problem is at free-online's server.

I don't think so. Free-online use qmail. qmail put delivered-to
header only once, then if it get the same message (which has same
delivered-to header), it would love to think that it is a loop problem.

For some reasons, Marck's server (MDaemon) do some header rewriting,
(i.e rewrite return-path header) which cause this problem.


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