
As an answer for Your letter, I would like to write:

>>But  tell  me,  was bombing Kabul a solution. Americans _do_ suffer,
>>but this is a major mistake, IMNSHO.
> But  Get  Your  Facts  Right  the US didn't bomb Kabul, it's a local
> battle not the US, at least not yet.

I  wrote it few minutes after CNN reported bombings. It took USA 7 min
to  say it wasn't their helicopters. At that time it was considered to
be a fast.

Best Regards
,----[ IronHand of MoonFlow ]----- GCS d- s:- a19 C+++ UL++++ P+++ -.
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| WWW: +none yet+    ICQ:43598300  V- PS+ PE- Y PGP- t+ 5+ X-- R++  |
`--------------------------------- tv- b+ !DI D+ G++ e h!>h++ r y? -'

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