Hello Neal,

On Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 19:14 GMT -0700, a creature
mimicking Neal Koss [NK] wrote:

NK> When I create a message, I want it to be plain text,

Excellent.  That saves us much debating time on this list.  ;-)

NK> but when I receive an HTML file, I want it to show as the
NK> originator intended it.

Main TB Window
 |-> Options
   |-> Preferences
     |-> General
       |-> Display HTML Part of messages Automatically.

Note: TB will not download images from the web.  However, pictures are
      shown if they are included in the mail.
NK> All I see is the original HTML source.

I suspect the sender is sending improper HTML.  If there is a text
part and an HTML part, TB shows the text part.  If there is no text
part, then TB automatically strips out the HTML code to make it more
human readable.

So if you're seeing the code, then TB must be getting confused by a
poorly formed message.  Is it always one person's mail that shows up
as you've described?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/8 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222 A

I had a really great tagline to put here, but I can't remember what it

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