Hallo Joseph,

JN> Is there any way to print the table, or index, of messages from a
JN> folder, i.e., the pane that shows the sender, recipient, subject, and
JN> date? I need a listing of messages for each folder, but I don't need
JN> the message bodies.  Any ideas?

Apart from exiting TB and opening the messages.tbi with a text-editor
that supports a form of scripting, so that you can automate the
process I can only think of a rather clumsy way using a filter in TB.

Create a filter in TB.
  => It's got to be marked active and 'manual only'
  => Let it trigger upon a '@'in the Sender
  => Action tab => Check 'Export message as' => Enter a filename
  => Edit the template, let it be:
  %OFromName <%OFromAddr>; %OToName <%OToAddr>; %ODateEn; %OSubj
  => This entry of the template should be on one line
  => Export format should be Text
  => Check 'Append to existing file'

The next thing is to select the folder you want to list.
  Right Mouse Button => Re-filter => Check Manual only => OK
Now you're folder is being filtered.
The next step is to open the text-file you've added all this headers
with a text-editor. Print it. Delete it. Go on with the next folder.

This system has one BIG disadvantage. Since it's easiest to use the
same filter for all folders, you've got these nasty 'Move to folder'
settings. So all filtered messages are being moved to a certain
folder. I don't know a way to disable this.
There are two work-arounds.
1) Change your filter every time you run it, so the move-to folder is
the folder you're processing, or
2) Create an empty folder, specially dedicated to this purpose, edit
your filter so that it moves all messages to this filter and after
you've filtered your folder, move all messages back to your folder.
When you're using this method: don't forget to compress all of your
folders when you're ready. In order to keep your messagebase as
compact as possible.

Groetjes, Roelof

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           \/     |      I flame all night,    |     \/
                  |      And I FREQ all day!   |
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