Fellow TB users,

Has anybody experienced the Connection Centre hanging w/o reason. To elucidate I am 
below  the  log files of three accounts. My machine is on the net 24hrs (broadband) 
and TB
has been configured to check mail at regular intervals.

If  you  notice Account 1 CC has been hanging from 12:00 (midnight) till I did a abort 
in the
morning.  While  Account 2 has been hanging from 21:32(about 9:30 pm) till I did abort 
at approx
8:30 in the morning.

My  first  reaction was that the net must have been down. But a check of account 3 
that it has been connecting well. Log has been snipped to get different times.

Some  of  you  may  say  that its because of the beta version. But I had this trouble 
earlier versions too. Just did not think of posting the log.

Any idea ??

Account 1

*09/11/2001, 23:00:04: FETCH - receiving mail messages
+09/11/2001, 23:00:16: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
+09/11/2001, 23:01:14: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
*09/11/2001, 23:01:39: FETCH - 400 messages in the mailbox, 0 new
+09/11/2001, 23:01:40: FETCH - connection finished - 0 messages received
*10/11/2001, 00:00:06: FETCH - receiving mail messages
+10/11/2001, 00:00:07: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
+10/11/2001, 08:29:28: FETCH - connection finished - 0 messages received
*10/11/2001, 08:29:31: FETCH - receiving mail messages

Account 2

*09/11/2001, 21:17:51: FETCH - receiving mail messages
+09/11/2001, 21:17:58: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
+09/11/2001, 21:18:05: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
*09/11/2001, 21:18:15: FETCH - 119 messages in the mailbox, 0 new
+09/11/2001, 21:18:16: FETCH - connection finished - 0 messages received
*09/11/2001, 21:32:52: FETCH - receiving mail messages
+09/11/2001, 21:32:56: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
+09/11/2001, 21:32:57: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
*10/11/2001, 08:29:28: FETCH - 121 messages in the mailbox, 121 new
+10/11/2001, 08:29:28: FETCH - connection finished - 0 messages received
*10/11/2001, 08:33:09: FETCH - receiving mail messages
+10/11/2001, 08:33:11: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
+10/11/2001, 08:33:12: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
*10/11/2001, 08:33:14: FETCH - 153 messages in the mailbox, 34 new

Account 3.

*10/11/2001, 00:06:46: FETCH - receiving mail messages
+10/11/2001, 00:06:49: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
+10/11/2001, 00:06:51: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
*10/11/2001, 00:06:51: FETCH - 0 messages in the mailbox, 0 new
*10/11/2001, 04:46:53: FETCH - receiving mail messages
+10/11/2001, 04:46:55: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
+10/11/2001, 04:46:56: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
*10/11/2001, 04:46:56: FETCH - 0 messages in the mailbox, 0 new
*10/11/2001, 07:26:57: FETCH - receiving mail messages
+10/11/2001, 07:26:59: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
+10/11/2001, 07:27:00: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
*10/11/2001, 07:27:01: FETCH - 0 messages in the mailbox, 0 new

Best regards,


Thought/Joke for the mail : "Do's and don'ts influence wills and won'ts."

Member of The Bat! Fan Club.

Composed on Saturday, November 10, 2001 using TB Ver 1.54/10 On Windows NT

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