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Hi Rémi,

On 12 December 2001 at 16:49:09 [GMT+0200] (which was 14:49 where I
live) Rémi Pach wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and made these

RP> Let me quote:

If you really want to, you're welcome, but the truth is, time has
passed and the "best laid plans of mice and men...". Reality caught up
and the goalposts have moved in the time that has gone between the
interview and the development schedule. I can easily understand and
accept that. What's more, not *all* of the intended facilities will be
in V2.0. Many will not appear until V2.1. That's not unacceptable nor
even anything other than a computer industry norm.

RP> "Version 2 will have an alternative editor which will be fully
RP> compatible with Windows editors, but it will have extra features
RP> like optional virtual space. It might even just be a plugin."

This goal has been replaced by the need to support HTML authoring. The
new editor will have to support that first and foremost. I don't know
if the plan is to support additional options to pander to those with a
"virtual space phobia". It may. I doubt that it will be a plug in.

RP> "We are planning to make the Linux version when Delphi for Linux
RP> will be available (this year, as promised by Inprise, Inc)."


RP> Plugins: "Yes, that is true. It will be possible to extend The
RP> Bat! using DLLs AND scripts."

Not yet done, but part of the V2 development curve.

RP> "Almost everything will be plug-in/script driven (menu items,
RP> toolbar buttons, macros, filter actions etc. included)."

Not the way it worked out (shrug).

RP> Non-fixed-width font: "Yes".


RP> Redefinable shortcuts: "Yes".

To be done.

RP> PGP: "PGP messages will be handled in a completely different way
RP> :-)" (whatever that was supposed to mean).


RP> Encryption of attachments to encypted e-mails: "Yes".

S/MIME covers that for now. Because of the uncertain future of PGP,
the lack of a PGP v7 SDK, the poor cooperation available from the Gnu
clique and GPG, PGP/MIME support is still on the wish list.

RP> Newsreader: "We still have not decided on what it will look like -
RP> as a plug-in or as a built-in function..."

I have no idea what is happening with that.

RP> Scripting: "I guess, we will end up making it possible to add a
RP> script language plug-in so users can choose what scripting
RP> language they'd like to use :-)"

Instead, the Macro language has been beefed up and the filter system
is turning into something that looks like a scripting engine.

RP> Hooks for virus scanning: "Yes".

This is done.

RP> Improvement of IMAP 4 support: "Yes".

:-) This one's a bit of a problem child. There's a bit of a mismatch
between the goals of an extreme off-line client like TB and the
on-line folder management requirements of pure IMAP4. I really don't
know what I'd do as a software engineer given the choice of keeping
the integrity of the local mail management facilities and having to
support remote mail management for IMAP. It's a "rock and a hard
place" issue.

RP> Words, of course, are cheap. If version 2 can be defined from the
RP> above, we are still very far from v2!...

I couldn't disagree more. You are completely wrong. More than 50% of
the goals you have listed above have been met. That doesn't constitute
"far off". You have also edited out the list of features you know have
already been met - that puts it closer still. Of the others some
features have been either written off or postponed but remain part of
the V2 development curve.

RP> I am not running the current beta, so I may be missing a few
RP> things,

More than a few. Before writing at such length, perhaps you should
have looked?

RP> but all in all it looks like TB's development is not following any
RP> well-defined path and the "revolutionary" V2 will be a mere
RP> offspring of v1.53 with a few gimmicks, including (lo and behold)
RP> a calculator and a scratchpad!

Your cynicism is noted but not warranted.

>> The truth is that 1.54 is almost certain to be released as the
>> first V2 early next year.

RP> Strange. V2 had been announced as being built from the group up:

> Q: v2.0 is rumored to have been built from the ground up (not from
>    version 1.x), is this true?

> R: Well, almost. There are only a few things that will not change too
>    much.

"Well almost". You call that "announced", do you? I think not.
Besides, much has actually /been/ re-written from the ground up. The
message base handling (1.42), the sorting office (1.54), the message
viewer (1.54), the HTML rendering engine (1.54), an editor (1.54). The
truth remains that 1.53 contained many V2 features already. Many more
have been added to make a preliminary v2 release set.

> That was nearly two years ago... I rest my case.

You do. Not very strong, is it? <g>

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: http://www.brainstormsw.com /
 \ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0  |  www: http://www.silverstones.com /
TB! v1.54 Beta/15-14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0.2195
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)
Comment: GPG Sealed for freshness


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