Friday, December 14, 2001, 1:05:32 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Joe,

> On 14 Dec 2001 at 23:52:33 you wrote (at least in part):

JF>> Unfortunately, I think it needs a specific file name for the "old"
JF>> address book, and I don't know what it is.

> You'd have to search your old TB! directory for files named '*.ABD'.
> You should recognize your old address book file by it's name as you
> had to enter this name once :-)
> 'LDAP*.ABD' & '*CA.ABD' named files are 'default' files, you should
> have no disadvantages if you ignore them.

Yep, I finally found them, Peter.  Thanks again for the help!

I'm helpless, yes, but determined.

JF>> Yes, very.  You don't want to see me on TV, eh?

> No. I only told I don't want need to switch on my TV for just seeing
> another person doing something absolutely silly.

That's about the only thing on TV these days, eh?

Silly stuff.

Haven't you ever watched the Jerry Springer Show?

> Do you know how
> _cold_ it is in this height's we're talking about?

It was a very short tower, Peter.  I'm afraid of heights, too.

> Do you know how
> difficulty it is to hold a high-powered riffle if you could need both
> hand for holding yourself and all ten fingers are nearly frozen? *ggg*

I can hold it long enough to empty the magazine...but now that I won't be
needing to do that, I'm just going to have a couple of toots of bourbon

So...the drinks are on me!

Thanks again for the help!

Joe Finocchiaro

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