Hi Roelof,
On 19 Dec 2001 at 21:36:54 [GMT +0100], you wrote:

RO> %AbToFirstName. [...] Using this macro you'll get an empty string
RO> when the intended recipient is not included in your address book.
RO> That could be checked with an if-statement, something like:

RO> Hello %if:"%AbToFirstName"="":"%ToFName":"%AbToFirstName"

For this purpose, there's an easier, built-in solution. Just insert


This way, %ABtoFIRSTNAME will only be used if it's not empty, otherwise
%TOFNAME will be executed. IIRC, on the FAQ page, there's even a version
with 3 alternatives, which will be checked successively.


The Bat! 1.54 Beta/17 on Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600 
|        Lars Geiger  |  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        |

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