Dear Roelof, 

 --->>> Roelof Otten / Freitag, 21.12.01, 13:35:58
        (2nd try) Only /some/ Templates are lost !!

> As far as I can see, the folder templates are stored in a file named
> account.flx But in that same file your complete folder setup is being
> kept.
> [...]
> Are you sure you've kept *some* folder templates or are you mistaking
> address book templates for folder templates, since all folder
> templates are being stored in the same file.

Thank you for the explanation. I will have a try. Yes you read it
right! In one Account there are Folders where I lost my Templates and
in the same Account some Folders they are still there.

I likte to add that I've changed in the same time from v1.53t to
v1.54b10. Do you think this could have to do with it??

      I like to wish to all of the Members of this ML
        a 'Merry Christmas' and a 'Happy New Year'

      May you have a lot of health, happynes and wisdom!

best regards


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