Sunday, 20 January 2002

Hi Chris,

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, at 16:20:25 [GMT +1300] (which was 4:20 p.m. here
in Eastbourne, N.Z.) you wrote:
> Sunday, 20 January 2002

> Hi Geoff,

> On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, at 16:07:02 [GMT +0000] (which was 5:07 a.m. here
> in Eastbourne, N.Z.) you wrote:
>> Saturday, January 19, 2002, 3:17:02 PM, Richard Lane wrote:

>>> I can't but wish I could. I'm not too keen on using the "Preview mode". Any
>>> ideas how to get it to work in folder view?
>> ---

>> Select the message then press Ctrl+Shift+I. Unfortunately, you are
>> correct, this only seems to work if you have Message Auto-view set to
>> "on".

>> BTW, why are you not to keen on using message auto-view?

>> HTH,

> I found that if I select "Message Auto-view" and create and save a memo then
> un-select "Message Auto-view" the memo function continues to work.
> Also prior to following the above steps the "save" and
> "clear" icons in the memo box were grayed out.

> Regards,

> Chris

> All the best for 2002 

> Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/30 E-Mail System                        
> with WinXp Pro.

Sorry People but on further testing I find you don't even have to
create a memo all that is necessary is to tick "Message Auto-view then
go back and un-tick "Messag Auto-view"



Have a Nice Day! 

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/30 E-Mail System
with WinXp Pro

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