Sunday, January 20, 2002, 3:29:29 AM, Chris Hall wrote:

> Sorry People but on further testing I find you don't even have to
> create a memo all that is necessary is to tick "Message Auto-view then
> go back and un-tick "Messag Auto-view"

When I try this, I get a memo window, but it doesn't open the memo for
the selected message. Here's what happens for me:

Step                              |Result
Ensure that message auto-view is  |No action
on                                |
Press Ctrl+Shift+I                |Memo for the message opens
Type some memo text, Press Ctrl+S,|Memo is saved and memo window
then Ctrl+Shift+I                 |closes
Press Ctrl+Shift+E                |Message auto-view toggles off
Select another message, then      |No action
select the message for which you  |
created the memo                  |
Press Ctrl+Shift+I                |Memo window opens, but the memo
                                  |shown is not the memo for the
                                  |selected message

FWIW, I created and saved a memo in the blank window -- and I still
haven't found where it went. It's attached to neither the message, the
folder, nor the account.

Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 6

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