On 21 January 2002 at 15:34 David wrote:

> Hello TBUDL,

>     I  find  The  Bat!  very  easy  to  use  for filtering mail. It is
>     extremely  powerful,  but  the  ability to so easily move messages
>     around raises a question, for me:

>        What is good strategy for handling folders of incoming and sent
>        messages?  Is  it  a good idea to put sent messages in the same
>        folder with incoming mail? What about setting up inbox and sent
>        sub-folders  for  each  mail folder (seems very complicated and
>        does  not really solve the problem of seeing sent messages with
>        corresponding reply). Any suggestions?

This (filtering ingoing _and outgoing_ messages on the fly to folders)
is actually easier than any other mail package I've come across
because of a very nice feature.

Go to the Inbox, select a message in the message list and press
Ctrl-Shift-F or right mouse button | Specials | Create filter ...; the
dialog box that pops up on doing this is self-explanatory, creating
the filter for you (which would otherwise involve a visit to Account |
Sorting Office/Filters).

You can also set up the mirror image of such filters for outgoing
messages (go to Sent Mail once the reply has been sent and do the same
thing) to send them where you want; by making both Move to folder:
folders the same you _can_ have sent messages and replies next to each


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