
> We've given this thought in the past and it has been discussed. There
> are two main reasons why we prefer an e-mail list.
> a) The list can be better moderated and hence the quality of the list
> maintained.

All your points are true, especially maybe the latter ones about email been
a quicker and easier option for some, however running a local news server gets
rid of a lot of the undesirables.

However, why not run both, if it's an issue. If not run two then get one put
forward onto the USENET, which would maybe allow some of us to decide how to
get the info? I'm new to the Bat, so the list is useful and currently
message traffic isn't major, however lists are the first to get switched off
where as news server can be opt'ed into and out of at a moments notice.
They'd be no reason not to provide both either locally, or on USENET (last
resort). I do see your points and going on message flow much are very valid.
It might be interesting, though running a USENET group (put on USENET and ran
through it, as compared to a local server), as it would capture those not on
the list and I'm sure there will be very many users not on the list. At the
same time it would maybe also give The Bat a little more exposure and allow
users to pitch and cover it more, in a promotional kinda way.

> The TBUDL list server is in Indonesia. I therefore have to give some
> slack to delivery issues as opposed to

I gathered as much and 'giving slack' is my middle name but it all has, or
can have a knock effect commercially speaking.

I can only assume that when version 2 comes along and it has a news reader
in it, we'll see a group either local server, or USENET :) A day I look
forward do indeed. If The Bat can do what it does for email with news, I'll
be more than happy :)

Getting way off point but just thought I'd pitch in with wanting better
support access than an email server.


CC>> I was been aggressive about the list, however there is sufficient
CC>> need now to move it to a NNTP server system if possible. Mailing

As ever I miss an important ending off. I meant to say; "I *wasn't* been
aggressive about the list". Opps for that.

Charles Collinson

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