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@ 16:35:08 +0000 [ Wed, 13 Mar 2002], Charles Collinson [CC] contributed
this to our collective wisdom:
CC> Apart from obvious failures at my pop3 server end, it's the first
CC> time I've known a list to fail to send me something. Not an exact
CC> science I grant you but still :)

The TBUDL list server is in Indonesia. I therefore have to give some
slack to delivery issues as opposed to a list server that resides in the
US. Though things are usually OK, problems do arise at times.

After all that's said, the recent problems with the lists are secondary
to local server issues which are being worked on. Things have improved
and you should be seeing evidence of this as I have been.

CC> I was been aggressive about the list, however there is sufficient
CC> need now to move it to a NNTP server system if possible. Mailing
CC> lists are a pain at the best of times. Both for your management, as
CC> well as those of us with already busy inboxes. A general USENET NNTP
CC> group would be ideal and maybe leave the beta and more specialised
CC> lists on email. If you guys can host some NNTP server software
CC> locally, like this list server software then all the better, as it
CC> wouldn't then dependent on a good newsfeed. Just a thought.

We've given this thought in the past and it has been discussed. There
are two main reasons why we prefer an e-mail list.

a) The list can be better moderated and hence the quality of the list
maintained. There's always a lot of background noise in news groups
because of the undesirables that hang around and create trouble. Filters
help but not well enough.

b) An e-mail list offers the user the opportunity to *use* TB!. For
example, I often use these very messages on this list to test things and
learn about TB!. I only use threading for these list type messages.

Another reason not to use a NNTP server is that many TB! users don't use
a News Reader and would therefore have to obtain one and learn how to
use one.

You've already stated the advantages of News Servers in that you can
selectively download and read what messages you wish to. However, you
have to go and get them rather than their getting to you directly.
That's just a matter of taste though.

- --
      |   Allie Martin - Moderator
      | TB! v1.54 Beta/47 & Windows XP 5.1.2600
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