On Sunday 31 March 2002 11:13 am, you wrote:
> @ 03:31:44 -0800 [ Sun, 31 Mar 2002], Brook Humphrey [BH] contributed
> this to our collective wisdom:
> ..
> BH> How do I move my bat instellation over to windows xp? Reinstalling
> BH> xp on top of my windows 98 is not an option as it is not running
> BH> very well and needed to be reinstalled any way. The only reason I
> BH> even keep it arround is because of the bat.
> I had answered this question just recently on the list.

Yes silly me I've been using linux for so long to do email that I dropped of 
the bat mailing list a long time ago. I just recently decided to try and get 
it set up again as if I do any emailing from windows at all it will be using 
the bat. Thanks for the advice bellow.

> This is what I wrote:
> a) Backup your current installation and then do an upgrade of your
> current installation to the current one. Only if it's working well
> should you proceed with the rest of the steps. Otherwise, restore your
> old installation, and we can discuss how to transfer it to your new
> system.
> If you've successfully upgraded you can do the following:
> a) Go to the Tools menu and select 'Backup'. Tick all the items there,
> select 'Standard' backup and hit the 'browse' to indicate where you wish
> the backup file to be placed and the name you wish to give it. Now run
> the backup.
> b) On the new machine, install TB! v1.60c. You may be asked if you wish
> to restore a from a backup during this installation (new feature that I
> haven't personally seen in action). If so, then give it the backup file
> to work with and you're done.
> If not, not to worry. Do what I had to do. :-) Just continue with the
> installation, create an account as instructed (and which you'll delete
> after restoring your installation). When you're finished with that part
> go to the tools menu and select 'restore'. Add your backup file and tick
> all the items at the bottom and go.

                                      Brook Humphrey           
        Mobile PC Medic, 420 1st, Cheney, WA 99004, 509-235-9107        
http://www.webmedic.net, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
                                 Holiness unto the Lord

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