Hello Marcus,

Thanks - that is what I want, but perhaps slower than ideal!

It would be great if this menu was available:

1. On right clicking the mouse.

2. The choices filtered by the folder the originating message was in.

3. Not having to click Reply first.

Since I respond to such large quantities of email, a faster way of
doing this would be much better for me.

Best regards,

Friday, April 5, 2002, 11:22:32 AM, you wrote:

MO> On Friday, April 5, 2002, 12:11, Jon Lawrance wrote:

>> When I get an email, quite often I need to choose a reply from a
>> possible list of 5 canned answers.

>> I understand there are keyboard shortcuts where I can type a keyword
>> and hit Alt+space or something like that. But when I have lots of
>> different replies for each folder, it gets near impossible to remember
>> what they are.

MO> You are referring to quick templates. You don't have to use keywords
MO> and shortcuts, you can as well choose them from the menu which i guess
MO> is what you want.

MO> Edit some quick templates (Options->Quick Templates...) and then use
MO> them by, while in the editor, choosing the corresponding template from
Utilities->>Insert Quick template->

MO> Nice and easy.

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